Financial Subject Lines: 2 Truths & a Lie (Pt. 2)

Let’s jump in.

Truth #1 is that repetition kills readership. If subscribers think they know what you’re going to say, they won’t open your email.

You can avoid that by using various different angles and appeals in your subject lines. Highlighting relevant benefits is great, but it can get repetitive.

Check out Part 1 here.

Truth #2: Fear is good.

I know this is an uncomfortable truth for some. We want to keep things positive. To educate and empower.

But there are some legitimately worrisome realities out there. You know it and so does your reader. It’s a good idea to talk about those things.

Now, I’m not telling you to try scaring your readers pants off.

I’m encouraging you to tap into the fear and/or anxiety your subscriber is likely already feeling.

Here’s an example of creating a little fear without paralyzing the reader:

Firstly, there are few things that get our attention like fear. The human brain dedicates a significant portion of its energy to keeping us safe.

Our senses are fine-tuned to detect and respond to danger.

Secondly, humans hate losing… anything. Behaviorial studies show we’re twice as likely to take action to prevent a loss than to secure an equivalent gain (when the stakes are high enough).

That means fear gives you leverage when it comes to moving people to make a decision.

Don’t leave the reader in a state of fear, though.

Use fear to win attention and focus his mind, then shift into the solution he can take to minimize or eliminate the issue.

Part 3 will be ready for you next week.

Need a set of eyes on your subject lines in the meantime? Send me a message and let’s talk.

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