Create Hard-to-Resist “Packaging” for Your Product or Service

Presentation is everything.

Do you remember the episode of the Cosby Show where Vanessa introduces her fiancé Dabnis to Cliff and Claire? (This is one of my favorite episodes on one of my favorite shows.)

In the final scene, the newly-engaged couple is sitting at the dinner table with rest of the family. Cliff tells Dabnis, in very graphic terms, that they would never like him because of the way Vanessa “presented” him. Watch the scene, starting at about the 1:00 mark.

You can have the most amazing product or service on the face of the earth, but if you “package” it wrong, if you present it to potential clients on a garbage can lid (to use Cliff’s illustration), you’ll never be as persuasive and successful as you should be.

I had the opportunity to talk with the brilliant marketing consultant Steve Gordon about this very subject. When creating irresistible offers for your product or service, packaging makes all the difference in the world.

Invest half an hour and listen to my interview with Steve at It could mark a real turning point for your business.

30 Minutes to More Trust: An Interview with Charlie Green

Warren Buffet famously said “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” But is that really true?

Earlier this week, I had the distinct privilege of speaking with one of the world’s foremost experts on building trust, best-selling author Charles Green. Boy, did I learn a lot!

During our 30-minute interview, Charles talked about

  • why trust is absolutely essential to your success in business
  • specific ways you can create more trust in your relationships
  • specific ways you might be sabotaging your efforts to gain the trust of your prospects and customers
  • popular myths about trust
  • how long it really takes to start building (or rebuilding) trust
  • and more

I was blown away by simple, yet profound truths Charles shared. I think you will be, too.

Don’t forget to visit to further develop your ability be the trusted provider in your industry.