Consider Yourself Hooked…

Storytelling Hooked

Quick thinking.
First kisses.

What’s the common denominator?

According to research from Netflix, these 4 story elements are highly effective at turning casual viewers into a devoted followers.

Through this research, Netflix also knows the precise episode of a series when people become “hooked.”

This is probably NOT the kind of information you’re used to hearing as a marketer or entrepreneur.

But it’s exactly what you need to hear right now — and I’ll tell you why.

While the economy sank into the abyss in March…

My clients experienced record sales. One had beat it’s previous best month by a massive 25%.

A huge part of our success has been telling the right kind of stories to our audience. Another huge factor is that we KEEP TELLING those stories.

We’ll dive into storytelling more in the future, but today I want to encourage you to inject more emotionally-engaging stories into your marketing and the content you’re producing.

Your pains and problems — and how you overcame them…

Your fears and frustrations — and how you found relief…

Your dreams and desires — and how you finally grabbed hold of them (or what you’re doing now that’s getting you closer)…

Even the mistakes you made…

These stories captivate.

If you tell the stories well, they audience will insert themselves into the story, experience some of your feelings and mentally/emotionally prepare to take the action that you took.

Then, keep telling those stories.

According to Netflix “In our research, we found that no one was ever hooked on the pilot.”

The pilot sells the audience on watching the next episode. But without the second and third episodes, it’s easy to disconnect and pay attention to something else.

If you feel like you’re being repetitive, just think of how many people binge-watch 10 episodes of their favorite shows at a time.

No one says, “I wish they’d make FEWER episodes of this show I love.”

It’s a challenge… but it’s a bigger challenge to keep your business running without devoted followers.