3 Keys to Copy that Converts Like Crazy

I recently wrote a lead generation page that beat my client’s existing control by more than 70%.

The copy — and the principles that drove it — was so effective…

My client tested a similar copy structure on every other lead gen page… for every other offer they had…

… and the new copy beat those controls by a wide margin in almost every case.  

These 3 copywriting success principles convert like crazy — and they can work for you, too.

Here’s a brief — and hopefully helpful — overview, just in case you didn’t watch the video:

1) The Lauryn Hill Principle

You may have heard me say this before. You can’t sell anyone something they don’t want… so your copy should “kill them softly with their own song.

Dig into their pains and problems… fears and frustrations… dreams and desires

Then show them the answer through your copy and offer.

2) The O.J. Simpson Principle

“If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

Claims don’t matter. Hype doesn’t matter. If you don’t prove you’re bringing the real deal to your readers, sales will suffer.

And even if what you’re saying is obvious, I encourage you to PROVE IT ANYWAY.

There are 3 things your copy needs to prove (starting at 5:45 of the video above). Make sure you hit them all for maximum results.

3) The 3-Card Monte Principle

You’re not hustling your readers…

… but you do have to keep them guessing, especially if you’re trying to build a long-lasting relationship where you provide value for a long time and get paid over and over.

Predictable copy only works on the most aware and ready-to-buy-now readers.

Most of your readers need more mystery.

Don’t just blurt out your offer. Use curiosity. Tell stories.


Those are the 3 principles. I’m confident if you put them into practice, they’ll give your persuasive efforts a powerful edge.

Make Your Black Friday/Cyber Monday Emails Stand Out in the Inbox

A smart entrepreneur asked me a question you might be wondering about right now:

“What are some subject lines to use
for my Black Friday emails?”

I had some ideas and examples to share. I thought I’d share them with you.

(What can I say? I’m thoughtful like that.)

Depending on your offer, here are a few ways you can approach your Black Friday subject lines (that’s plural because I hope you’re sending multiple emails):

1) Only 3 hours left for [offer]

Lead with strong urgency. A screaming deadline is a great motivator.

I usually prefer more intrigue in a subject line, but for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, people are actively looking to spend money. So I have no reservations.

Urgency gets more compelling as you get closer to the end of the clock. Hours are more FOMO-inducing than days — although you can certainly use both if you send multiple emails.


  • Only 1 day left to save 50% on Soul Glo Activator
  • Final Hours for Free Shipping on Darryl’s Wet Clothes
  • Last Chance to See Randy Watson LIVE

2) Want this [Big Benefit]? Get it X% off

What’s the major transformation your readers want to experience with your help?

Don’t offer a discount on a product/service — offer a discount on that transformation.

The distinction is huge, even for e-commerce store owners.


  • Oh So Silky Smooth Hair: 40% Off thru Friday
  • “Goat Herder to Royalty” Blueprint: special discount
  • #1 Secret for Meeting Good, Good Clean Girls (and save 50%)

3) Lead with guarantee

If you’re feeling enthusiastic, maybe you come up with a unique Black Friday guarantee. If not, you can use your regular risk reversal as a unique way to grab attention for your offer.


  • Find Love in 40 Days, Guaranteed (ends at midnight)
  • 30-Days Risk Free: Mop Stick Self-Defense Mastery
  • Special Guarantee: 200% Money-Back until 11/24

4) Specific amount dollar savings

It’s easy to forget this one.

The truth is, most people can’t instantly do percentages in their heads. And they’re probably not pulling out calculators.

Make it plain for them, especially if your discount is less than 50%.


  • $10 off Cleo’s Delicious Pigs in a Blanket
  • Save $400 on tickets to Zamunda

5) Testimonial subject line and email body copy

If you can find a one-liner from a customer success story or review, you can probably make a strong subject line.

Then use that testimonial to tell a story demonstrating the value of your Black Friday offer. Let your buyers do the bragging for you.

I recommend using quotation marks catch the reader’s eye and signify there’s a story inside.


  • “To be loved… Oh, what a feeling!”
  • “That’s when the BIG bucks start rolling in.”
  • Success Story: “My son works!”

6) Announce video demonstration plus special offer

One reason people don’t buy is because they’re not sure your offer will work for them.

Or they’re not clear on exactly what they’re getting.

Can you answer those questions and erase those doubts with a video demonstration.


  • [Video] Finding Queen’s Common Parts – plus a special offer
  • LIVE: Marrying an African Prince (and a limited-time discount)

— — —

I know, that was a lot.

Hopefully there’s something helpful in there.

Again, you should be sending several emails, so you can try a few different angles.

If you have time, I encourage you to A/B test, so you can try 2 version for each email touch. Send them to 20 or 25% of your list and let the winner go out to everyone else.

Interested in seeing my best, most swipeable subject lines? Check out my Subject Line of the Day videos. Here’s the latest addition:

Have a productive day!