If You’re Not Making $1/Month Per Sub with Email Marketing

“Back in the day, the marketing gurus told us we could expect to earn $1 per email subscriber per month. Is that still true?”

question I was asked on a recent consulting call

This is an easy question to answer… but the answer isn’t easy for most entrepreneurs to hear.

Because, in truth, the answer is both yes and no.

Most marketers and entrepreneurs I know don’t come close to pulling $1 per subscriber per month.

But there are some that do significantly more than $1.

One of my clients averages $2.38

Another gets $5.27.

I’m sure there are businesses that generate even better numbers.

But this kind of performance doesn’t happen magically.

In my experience… most of these businesses share 3 characteristics:

1) They email their lists every day. Multiple times on some days. No apologies, no excuses.

2) They SELL in every email… even when the purpose of the email is to educate.

3) They’ve developed proven front-end AND higher-priced back-end offers — and they constantly promote them.

Sure it’s a considerable amount of work, but these 3 ideas will get you a lot closer to where you want to be in terms of revenue and the impact you make in the world. 

Make Email a Bigger Profit Center for Your Business

If your email marketing efforts aren’t producing the kind of results you wish they’d give you…

Or if you’re looking for a way to strengthen what’s already working…

You may be interested in the upcoming Make Email Great Again Convention. “MEGA Con” for short.

email marketing summit 2020

It’s a FREE online summit for anyone who wants to make more money with email.

I’m one of 15 email marketing experts sharing promotional ideas and success secrets we’ve used to bring in piles of cash for our clients and our own businesses.  

The insider tips and strategies you pick up could change everything for your business.

My MEGA Con session covers what we’ve called the “Fear the Reaper” promo.

You’ll also get to go inside the minds of heavy-hitters like David Deutsch, Dan Ferrari, Matt Bacak, Kyle Milligan and more.

The summit starts February 10, 2020 but I encourage you to sign up now.

Have a productive day!