Leadership: Burden or Blessing?

People generally don’t like feel like they’re being bossed around. But people need to be led. They crave it.

When we’re overwhelmed by options and inundated with information, we seek someone to clear away the clutter and noise for us. Or, where there’s not enough information, we search for people we can trust to guide us where we’re unable to find our way.

Leaders create a vision for the future. They inspire others and give them courage to move forward. They know (or at least seem to know) a little more than the rest of us and provide lantern-light so we can follow their path.

You should start thinking about your business in terms of leadership. Your customers and prospects are looking for someone to help them do something. The person or business which can eliminate the risk they’re facing, help them make tough decisions with confidence and show them the best path to take will gain unconquerable loyalty from those whom they serve.

The kind of leadership I’m talking about is based on just that: serving people. You’re leading them because you care. Leading because you can honestly help. Believe it or not, making their best interests your priority will pay off for you. As the late Zig Ziglar said,

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

The concept of leadership has constantly pressed its weight on my thinking for the past 2 years.

I believe more than ever that your commitment to leadership is critical to reaching the greatest level of success your business is capable of attaining. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have any employees. If you have customers, or if you want customers, you have to start thinking like a leader.

You have to have courage
…to make tough choices for yourself and your following
…to tell the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable.

You have to take responsibility
…to generate results and help clients get them, too
…to find and share the best information, systems, tools, etc.
…to help those you lead convert that information into action

You have to provide clarity
create vision
…connect the dots
…instill confidence
…inspire action
…lead the way.

Who are you leading? Who do you want to lead? How are you going to get there ? If you don’t have a plan, it’s time to get started on one.