Never Waste A Good Crisis

This week, disaster struck the Bryant castle with swift fury.

I got this weather alert at 3:27 Monday afternoon…

Within 3 minutes, the sun was swallowed by dark clouds and the wind got stronger and stronger.

I ran outside to try to secure what I could… but in less than 2 minutes, those clouds began hurling rain and the wind started moving things around the yard.

I hid under the gazebo to stay dry while I strategized.

My wife (being far smarter than me) told me to get in the house, and it only took a few seconds for me to see the wisdom in taking shelter.

And by the time I got into the house and looked out the kitchen window, the top of the gazebo collapsed.

Here’s what it looked like after the storm:

Obviously we weren’t the only ones.

This storm caused a ruckus all around the Midwest.

And actually, with 90 mile an hour winds, marble-sized hail and lightning strikes around our neighborhood, we were very lucky.

Here’s another silver lining:

The storm gave me a great excuse to send my list a dramatic email.

Disasters, accidents, failures and hardship make for GREAT emails (and sales letters, ads, etc.)

The kinds of emails your readers WISH you’d send.  

That’s why today’s subject line is “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

In politics, it’s about using tragedy and fear to push an agenda.

For entrepreneurs and marketers, it’s a different kind of opportunism.

Your personal story gives you authority to speak into someone else’s life… to show them how to handle situations they’re struggling with.

It’s better than any degree or certification you could study for (in most cases).

Plus, once again, the difficulties in your life give you an entertaining reason to get in touch with your readers.

To connect with them.

And to show them what you’re made of.

In my experience, the more of that you do, the more money you’ll make in your business.

P.S. Chances are, you’re already sharing some of your “crises” on social media. Why not turn them into money-making emails?

I still haven’t written the sales page for Inbox X-Factor, but you can get in here.

You’ll get a plan for what to write about every day of the week (if you want to email daily). If you’d like to write more emails and make more money in LESS time, I think this will be insanely valuable for you.