Push the “Close Door” Button… or Else

Not long ago, I heard a little story that had a tremendous impact on me.

It’s about a surprising quirk Jim Simons has.

Simons is a math genius, Ivy League professor and the multibillionaire founder of Renaissance Technologies.  

During a segment on NPR, his wife (or ex-wife, I can’t remember) revealed that Jim always pressed the “Close Door” button when they got on the elevator.

Mrs. Simons thought it was a little strange. So she asked him why he insisted on hitting that button… on every elevator ride.

“If you don’t press it,” Jim said, “you waste 2 seconds… on every elevator ride.”

It’s an important paradigm shift — and today is the perfect time to reflect on it.

First, Simons’ idiosyncrasy emphasizes the preciousness of time. Even in the smallest increments.

I have no doubt that you’re VERY aware of time. Because you probably feel you don’t have enough of it. (I’m the same way.)

But how are you careful over your seconds?

Do you defend your seconds with the same ferocity as you defend your possessions?

If not, why not?

Second, Jim’s quirk highlights action as the essential element of life.

Do you wait for elevator doors to close for you? Or do you take action to make the elevator conform to your will?

Something to think about, right?

Right now is the time to act. (Take that to mean whatever you like)

Whatever you desire to happen in your business… in the world… you can choose to do everything in your power to make it happen.


Don’t wait for customers.

Don’t wait for change.

Don’t wait for permission.

For the love of God, don’t wait for a sign.

Take the first step to accomplish the thing you want to happen.


Have a productive day.