“Thank God it’s Friday” is the victory cry of a weary worker.

After a harsh week, you may even catch an atheist saying it.

And we all get it, right? Friday symbolizes freedom… the chance to do what you want to do instead of what you have to do.

It’s escape. A sizable chunk of the population lives for that escape, even if it’s only temporary.

Are you selling Fridays in your business?

I mentioned in a recent email that entertainment, experiences and escape are priorities for pretty much everybody.

If you find something people want to get away from, you’ve found a potentially lucrative business opportunity.

The other side of that coin is this: you can position your product as an escape from whatever “grind” your customers are sick and tired of.

You can (and probably should) write copy that paints a picture of escape.

Not “follow this 37-step process to become a better [fill in the blank]…” (37 steps sounds like selling a Monday)

But “take two pills and you’ll never struggle with [fill in the blank] again.”

Now, these are extreme example, but I hope you get the point. Make the strongest, escapiest claims you can make without becoming dishonest.

Your customers are waiting on their Friday.