Dear Financial Expert [advisor, accountant, educator, coach]:
You can become almost irresistible once you get your messaging right.
I know because financial experts and firms have hired me to attract their dream prospects and convert them into clients with persuasive messaging for more than a decade.
Some of these firms have multiplied their revenue as much as 3X to 7X within 3 years.
Over the years, powerful insights have emerged.
Now I’m sharing the most important lessons, along with deep dive exposés into what’s working right now…
For email marketing, social media, video, your website, even paid ads (if you’re into that sort of thing)…
All in an easy-to-access format.
The Practically Irresistible Newsletter
In this monthly printed newsletter, we’ll cover marketing tactics and strategies proven to perform in real life, in near real-time.
Not outdated methods. Not cool-sounding theories or AI generated hypotheticals.
And not the same vague generalities you hear everyone tossing around, either. I’ve helped firms generate streams of quality clients using techniques you’ve probably never heard of. I’ll share many of them with you.
The goal, to quote Joe Clark of Eastside High, is to transform and transmogrify your client-attraction process.
And of course, we’ll dive deep into messaging. Because:
- You have to win a person’s attention before you can influence him.
- You have to hold his attention long enough to show him the truth & shift his perspective.
- You do that with the ideas you convey and pictures you paint with your words.
You can have every tactic, strategy and system in the world… you’re going to be either annoying or invisible to your dream prospects if your message doesn’t resonate.
On the other hand, if your messaging is on the money, you don’t need 99 ways to get clients.
A few main channels are likely enough to make a massive difference.
“I’m already in. Where do I sign up?”
Who Is This For?
If you help people with their money (or their relationship with money), and you’re in control of your own book of business, this information could significantly boost your results, like it has for so many of my clients.
I’ve worked with solo accountants, larger wealth management firms, annuity wholesalers that advertise on TV and even an online trading platform. Pretty much everything in between.
So I get it. There are obvious differences between what CFPs, CPAs and credit coaches do.
Different rules apply for fiduciaries than for course creators.
But the same principles of persuasive messaging and effective marketing still apply. And we will explore the nuances in how you apply these insights in the newsletter.
To get the best results, you or someone on your team must APPLY what you discover.
I have no magic beans to throw out the window that will take you to the golden goose.
[Which brings up an important point. Your situation, opportunities and level of execution are unique. As such, I can’t predict or promise what outcomes you’ll achieve. You know how this goes.]
Here’s What You Get
The Newsletter (mailed on the 10th of every month)
Once a month, you’ll get a printed newsletter in the mail. Usually 8 to 12 pages long.
We’ll dig into topics like:
- Why so many of your leads disappear and how to flip the math back in your favor (one firm paid me $70k to solve this problem for them)…
- Techniques to differentiate yourself from the thousands selling what you sell…
- How to grab eyeballs and win hearts with the Human Attention Algorithm…
- Storytelling approaches top producers use to neutralize sales resistance…
- Leveraging psychology to create deep influence with your words…
- The truth about turning email subscribers into clients…
- A proven path to build trust faster…
… and a whole lot more.
The newsletter is easy to read and the insights are simple to put into practice, regardless of what CRM you have or how tech savvy you feel.
Again, the goal is to attract and convert your dream clients by persuasively presenting your firm or your product as the dream solution – the ONLY solution – to help them reach their goal.
Email Updates (weekly)
I work directly with a handful of clients, testing messaging across virtually every platform you can think of. All kinds of offers, too. From free reports on lowering taxes to stock trading software to live events.
I have permission to take you “behind the scenes” to look at some of the work we’re doing. (Most identifying information is protected, of course.)
So not only will you get up-to-date insights in the monthly newsletter…you’ll also see marketing and messaging concepts I’m testing out, almost as soon as they go live.
Plus commentary discussing current trends, emerging opportunities and more fresh ideas.
How to Get Started:
The Practically Irresistible Newsletter will cost $47 a month.
But I’m doing something special to celebrate this launch– and to reward those who jump in first.
Until April 5, you have 2 options.
>> Option 1: $27 a month
>> Option 2: $127 per year (save 60% off the monthly price – about 7 months free)
** If you choose the yearly option, you’ll get 2 special bonuses:
- A 15-minute video audit of any marketing asset you want to optimize (website, lead magnet, welcome sequence, etc). I normally charge $300+ for audits. You’ll get one free.
- “My 3 Most Profitable Marketing Assets” PDF with exact sales copy, plus a video explaining why they work and how you may be able to try something similar yourself.
On April 6th, the monthly price goes up… and the annual option goes away.
Get started by April 5 and your price is locked in. No price increases ever, as long as you decide to keep your subscription.
And there’s no commitment. Cancel whenever you like.
(Refunds on the monthly plan will be provided if you cancel before the newsletter is mailed on the 10th of the month. Refunds on the annual plan will be prorated.)
Start Your Monthly Subscription for $27»
Start Your Annual Subscription for $127»
I can’t wait to share my best insights and latest discoveries with you.