100 Perfect Prospects

If you walked into a room with 100 of your perfect prospects…

How many of them have their eyes glued onto a screen?

How many are reading?

A nonfiction book?

A how-to book?

(Did you instinctively inflate the reader count to soften what you think I’m about to say next?)

Chances are, more than 90% of your perfect prospects are doing ONE of these activities.

Shoot, they’ll even watch a terrible movie on the wall-mounted TV…

But they refuse to sit in a room and be bored.

It’s your job to be interesting – whatever that means to your specific target audience.

Whether your folks are watching customers cook their own food at Waffle House on TikTok or reading a business book…

They’re actively looking for SOMETHING to engage their minds and fill some of their time.

You gotta figure out how to make your marketing material the right kind of interesting so they’re happy to pay attention to it.

Truth is, that’s hard to do with pure information – even for entrepreneurs who read business books for fun.

It’s worth taking time to think about what it takes to be interesting to your perfect prospects.

Where does your uniqueness overlap topics that are important and valuable to them?

Figure that out and you’ll be intensely interesting practically by default.

We’ll get more into that next time.

P.S. A powerful way to create and maintain interest with your should-be buyers is by sending a consistent flow of interesting emails.

Get access to weekly email plans, video trainings and group coaching inside Inbox X-Factor.

Humans in 2022: A Shift You Can’t Afford to Ignore

This message is going to make some folks angry.

It’s also going to make some people a pile of money.

You get to decide which group you’re in.

(Hypothetically, you can be in both groups. Be angry and sin not.)

I’m going to share one surprising statistic (which you may have heard by now)…

One high-impact implication of that statistic…

And two action steps to leverage the current state of things into that pile of money I mentioned a second ago.

Here’s the startling statistic:

TikTok is now the #1 website on the planet in terms of traffic.

Maybe you aren’t surprised. I was straight-up flabbergasted.

But I shouldn’t have been.

Because, this lines up precisely with one of the lessons I’m constantly promoting:

Entertainment (which is so much more than just humor) is increasingly essential if you want to get and keep people’s attention.

And you can’t get anyone’s money legally without getting and keeping their attention.

Next point.

Google has FELT unbeatable as the world’s top website. People need to know stuff or find stuff, and Big G dominates as a provider of answers and information.

I’m no TikTok expert, but it doesn’t seem particularly search-based (that’s standard for social media).

The platform intentionally and aggressively serves you novel content… and although your interactions inform what the algorithm delivers…

The algorithm is in the driver’s seat.

According to the numbers, we love being passive passengers on the ride.

The masses – probably including your should-be buyers – are making time in their schedules for this content… at the same time as complaining there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Think about it.

That doesn’t mean you need to start a TikTok account. That’s up to you to decide.

If you go that route, just watch the ROI on the time you spend there and make the right decision for you.

(Entertainment/enjoyment IS value, so you gotta factor that in, too.)

Here Are Your Action Steps

1. Your potential clients crave entertainment. And they’re going to get it somewhere. Might as well get it from YOU.

Again, that doesn’t just mean humor. It definitely doesn’t mean you have to dance on camera.

Don’t expect people to pay attention to you for long when there are more entertaining options out there. You can be more qualified, more intelligent, more honest… and still lose.

Think about how you can add entertainment value to your marketing and other content.

2. Millions of people open TikTok every day… to see videos from people they don’t even follow. The algorithm FORCES videos on users.

So when people say they only want one email a week from you…

Don’t just believe them.

Most of your readers will likely consume your content (email or otherwise) every single day… as long as you’re sending them stuff crave as much as their next TikTok binge.

Shoot, you could even send them an email linking to your latest Tiktok video.

It’s not time to be shy.

It’s time to step up to the plate and consistently deliver valuable marketing and content in packaging your people will devour.

Let’s get it!

This Is Who Will Win 2022 (and Beyond)

I don’t often do this, but I’m going to share a “shocking” prediction for 2022 that I believe could have a significant impact on your business.

But first, let me tell you a quick story.

It’s actually one of my favorite stories. My own Michael Jordan in Game 6 vs. Utah Jazz moment.

When I was a junior in high school, I was captain of an intramural basketball team — and I predicted my team would win the championship before the first game of the season.

I’ll spare you most of the details and get to the good stuff.

My team marched to the semifinals… and I caught mononucleosis. The doctor told me I could absolutely NOT play basketball. Any rough physical contact could rupture my internal organs.

I canceled prom… and my date never spoke to me again.

But I couldn’t miss the semifinals game. Especially after guaranteeing a championship.

If you’ve ever had mono, you know it drains your energy like leaving your car’s headlights on overnight. So the game was a hard slog. Probably the same way Jordan felt like in Game 6.  

You’re going to think I’m making this up, but it’s 100% fact.

My team was down by 2 and I knocked down a 15-foot buzzer-beater to send the game into overtime, where we dismantled the other squad. Then we went on to win the title. Just as I had predicted.

Today, I’m going to make my biggest prediction since the beginning of that basketball season 21 years ago.

If you’ve been skimming til this point, this is where you want to pay attention. I’m going to tell you which…

Entrepreneurs & Marketers
I Believe Will WIN in 2022

More importantly, how you can be one of the big winners.

Here it is:

The entrepreneurs who win will be the ones who:

1. understand their core buyers at a deep level

2. communicate that deep understanding to their core buyers — not just use the data for targeting/segmenting purposes (although that’s important)


3. demonstrate that they are “in this together” with their core buyers — whatever that means in their particular industries.

At first glance, this may not seem like a shocking prediction after all. But I urge you to think about this with me for just a minute.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen a flood of new businesses, new technologies, new options… and rapid adoption of all the newness among consumers.

More than ever before, there is something for everyone online.

At the same time, we see increased polarization of people around the world. Politically, scientifically, socially.

Folks are cliquing up and forming profound bonds with their “groups.”

In 2022 and beyond, you’ll see this trend impacting commerce more and more.

People will gravitate toward, spend money within and pledge undying loyalty to “micro-communities” where they feel understood… appreciated… even SUPERIOR to outsiders.

I don’t have statistically significant data to prove this, but I am confident that having the “best” product or service won’t be enough in 2022.

Having the “best marketed” offer won’t do it, either.

If you want to win the future, it’s going to be essential to work on developing the best connected” offer — specifically tailored for your core clientele and obviously repellent to “outsiders” (real or imagined).

I think it’s going to be trickier than ever to be a “faceless” impersonal company. Even if you’re a plumber or contractor.

Think about it. Everyone knows Tesla’s CEO. Who’s the CEO of Toyota again?

Even Zuckerberg is trying craft a more likable public persona.

This is the way the wind’s blowing, my friend.

Take it from a guy who calls intramural championships like Babe Ruth calling home runs.

P.S. I know what you’re saying.

I can’t bring up all this micro-community stuff and skip out on helping you figure out how to actually DO IT.

Well, if you’re curious, you’re just going to have to stay tuned.

P.P.S. Shout out to Justin Winthers, co-founder of REIRail who made this prediction at least 3 years ago. One of the brightest brothers I’ve ever met.