Boost Your Email Marketing with Subject Line Science

I’m excited to announce that you can now preorder my brand-new book

Subject Line Science: 11 “Made You Look” Secretes to Get Emails Opened and Read.

iphone displaying "Subject Line Science" bookcover

Seems like everyone’s been asking for this.

It’s a quick read, but it dives deep into my process for creating impossible-to-ignore subject lines.

When you devour the lessons in this book, you (or your marketing team) will have the tools to write must-open subject lines that win attention, make subscribers excited to read and open the door for big sales.

You’ll also get some of the AI prompts I’m playing around with to give you even more fresh subject line options.

One of the 11 “made you look” secrets revealed in the book is what I call the “Tootsie Roll center of persuasion.” Here’s an example:

You’ll get a whole lot more insight about this in the book.

Subject Line Science will be officially released on November 17.

But when you preorder the book now for just $9.99, you’ll also get access to 3 exclusive bonuses for free:

  1. The audiobook (also on November 17)
  2. 104 Steal these Subject Lines templates
  3. Big Ideas for Unforgettable Emails video training

If you take action, this information can transform your email marketing results AND your business as a whole.

Get more details and preorder Subject Line Science now to take advantage.

Have a productive day!

Give Your Readers Rose-Colored Glasses

Copywriter sunglasses with reflection of a bundle of roses in the lenses.

You’re a reader, right?

I know you’ve seen copy like this before:

I want to point out a few things about this copy device, which I call an identity preframe.

You see them at the beginning of sales pages/VSLs, webinars and occasionally on a website homepage.

Maybe you’ve even used something like this before.

Here’s the thing…

The identity preframe is set up to look like a filter.

A few seconds or centimeters of copy to make sure you’re only talking to ideal clients (and everyone else knows not to waste their time).

The example above even had a STOP hand and explicitly tells the reader to leave if he doesn’t meet the criteria.

It’s not a filter.

When done right it:

  • makes you identify a characteristic you possess (or think you possess) but wish was more pronounced
  • gives you a sense of empowerment
  • heightens the desire for the transformation.

Despite its construction, the copy isn’t designed to make anyone stop and leave. Rather, the idea is to make most readers stay and read more. To think “this presentation/pitch is all about the me I want to be.

The example above goes a step further.

Bullet point #3 adds guilt into the mix. You’re going to fail your loved ones if you don’t step fully into this identity.

This kind of copy frames the rest of the copy in the perspective of “the me I want to be.”

Appeals to (aspirational) identity hit at a deeper level than features, benefits, advantages and opportunities can by themselves.

And certainly deeper than saying “this is for service providers, parents and 9-to-fivers who are thinking about starting their own business.”

How are you getting viewers/readers to see “the me I want to be” in your copy?