Give Your Emails Superhuman Strength

3-year old Donnie in Superman pajamas (nothing to do with email)

Superheroes don’t usually get to choose their own powers.

But YOU can decide today to give your sales copy superhuman selling strength.

In the video below, you’ll discover 4 simple strategies you can start using right away to:

  • compel more subscribers to open your emails
  • build a deep & lasting connection with your readers…
  • make more sales without feeling salesy (unless you’re into that sort of thing).

I can’t think of a single industry where these strategies won’t work.

By the way, these tips work outside of email, too.

f that’s you, here’s a super quick overview of the superhero strategies you can use to make your copy more powerful

1) Never underestimate the value of a compelling villain.

Bad guys are what make the superheroes both necessary and interesting.

In your copy, spend some time talking about the person or thing that’s making life harder for your reader. What’s keeping him from living the life he dreams of?

Make the source of that blockage into a villain. Someone or something that can be demonized… then defeated.

E.g., “The reason you can’t rid of belly fat isn’t because you’re lazy. It’s because of a hormone called cortisol.” 

2) Focus on saving the world

Superheroes don’t use their powers to enrich themselves. They spend their time helping other people.

And they generally take on big threats.

Your copy should be about your reader, not yourself. And don’t waste anyone’s time making small promises. Talk about the massive transformative benefits you can deliver for people who work with you.

3) Identity is unspeakably important

Superheroes have carefully crafted secret identities. As a marketer, it’s useful to invest the time into crafting the identity you present to your reader.

Make yourself into the best possible individual/business to make the case for your product or service to your target audience.

That means you have to intimately understand the identity of your target audience, too.

4) Run towards the danger

Take a stand, even if it’s controversial. Maybe especially if it’s controversial.

Pick a fight.

Be an advocate for a cause that’s meaningful to your reader.

This makes you a leader. Draws the right kind of people to you and forms emotional bonds. Then helps them see you’re the obvious choice to help them reach their goals.

Pretty much everyone else is running away from the danger. Your copy should put you right in the heat of battle.

That’s what your favorite superhero would do.

Subject Lines Are Overrated – Here’s Proof

Subject lines are the sexy part of email marketing.

Everyone wants to know the secret… the specific sequence of words that works every time.

Such secrets do exist.

But in reality, word choice is just one part of the magic of great emails.

Let me illustrate with a real-world example from this week.

Check out this screengrab. It’s showing the performance of a promotional email we sent out Wednesday.

The stats are ridiculous.

If you can’t read the pic, it’s showing an 84.5% open rate and 45% click rate. That means more than half of the openers also clicked through to the order form.

(More importantly, nearly half of the people who saw the order form also made a purchase.)

When someone sees those numbers, you already know what the first question will be 9 times out of 10:

“When did you learn to use Photoshop, Donnie?”

The next question is, “What’s the subject line?

And yes, the subject line was perfect… and the preheader text was brilliant (I’ll reveal them in a minute)…

But we had a lot more going for us than just that:

  • You may have noticed this email went to 197 people. This is a very targeted segment of the much bigger list.
  • The “guru” has built great rapport and a ton of trust with subscribers. Becoming known as THE expert your subscribers look forward to hearing from is probably the greatest secret to email success.
  • There’s been a bunch of engagement with this segment recently to drum up anticipation.

Those factors will help you get opens. And they’ll definitely impact clicks.

But how did we get clickthrough rate so high?

(By the way, the last time this same offer was made to this same segment – before I started working with the client – the best CTR was less than 13%. As you recall, we got 45% this time.)

  • Focus on exclusivity
  • Social proof
  • Emphasis on emotional benefits over product features
  • Subtle validation of the reader’s self-worth

Obviously these results are specific to this effort. The point is… subject lines ARE important, but you need more than just tight subject lines to maximize the impact of and revenue from your emails.

Alright, I’ll finally reveal what the subject line and preheader text were.

Subject line: [First Name], here’s your private invitation

Preheader text: Congratulations! (shhh… it’s a secret)

The combination of personalization, an anticipated invitation, “congratulations” and a secret helped this achieve a spectacular open rate. 

Again, the biggest win here is the insanely high clickthrough rate and the conversion rate on the sales page.

In a way, open rates have always been overrated. Just because someone appears to have opened your message doesn’t mean they actually read it. And if they didn’t take any action, how good was the email, really?

Clickthrough rate is a much better measure of engagement. And sales is the ultimate metric, of course.

Speaking of open rates, have you heard about how the coming update to iOS 15 will make it basically impossible to track open rates for Apple users?

Some marketers are worried this will cause a disaster.

I believe it’s an opportunity.

Find out how in the video below.

(Almost) Unlimited Ideas for Story-Based Emails

I shared this video training in the Email Copywriting Corner, but it makes sense to put it here, too…

Especially if making more money with email marketing is one of your new year’s resolutions.

You may be particularly interested in the 7 types of stories you should be sending to your email list:

Genesis stories: people want to know the story behind why you started something
Idealist stories: illustrate your personal & business values/philosophies with a story
Iron Fist stories: Tales of battle, struggle and victory (or lessons from losses) — either of yours or your customers’
Catalyst stories: Moments, decisions, interventions that caused critical change
Journalist stories: commentary on trending topics or news or little-known truth behind well-known stories
Adventurous stories: Crazy, funny stuff going on in your life
Status stories: Elevate your authority with big name clients, famous friends, recognition, accomplishments.

You’ll have to forgive me. I was really trying to be clever with this bootleg rhyming thing.

Until recently, this training was only available to Inbox X-Factor members. I’m giving you access now to help you kick 2021’s b.u.t.t.


3 Email Secrets from My $17 Million Year

Despite all the craziness, 2020 has been a phenomenal year for my clients.

Or maybe more accurately, 2020 has been a screaming success because of all the craziness.

Last week, I revealed 3 simple “secrets” behind that success in my first room on Clubhouse.

Specifically, how we’ve generated $17 million from email year-to-date.

You may not have been part of that Clubhouse conversation (it was a small audience)… and those conversations aren’t recorded…

So I’ll quickly tell you what I shared.

“Secret” #1: Be consistent and persistent

My clients email daily. And they make offers in every single email.

You can probably send more emails than you do. (That goes for me, too.)

One of the main points I made was that unsubscribes go up when you email LESS.

You let people forget who you are and why they were excited to hear from you.

Depending on your business and your capabilities, I recommend no fewer than 1 email per week. Most businesses can send 3 or more — and the only difference you’ll see is more money in the bank.

“Secret” #2: Curiosity

Don’t give away the punchline in every email.

Tease a juicy benefit… tantalizing opportunity… or potentially imminent danger…

And make the reader click a link to find out exactly what you’re talking about.

Create emotional tension that can only be resolved by clicking… and give your sales pitch on the other side of the click.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this.

You can get more insight into how curiosity works — and the right and wrong ways to use it in your email — in this video.

“Secret” 3: Easy on the education

I’ve discovered that a lot of entrepreneurs believe they have to educate prospects into buying from them.

Education can be helpful. But the truth is, information isn’t what sells.

You know that people buy on emotion. In a way, they’re buying the emotion itself.

(That’s one of the reasons people don’t do anything with the stuff they buy. Making the purchase provided the emotional payoff.)

Your copy’s job is to stimulate the emotions — hope, desire, guilt, fear, etc. — that make your prospects take action.

There’s no shortage of information.

But your prospects are dying for emotional MOTIVATION.

So be careful how you educate.

Each fact you present should be designed to inflame desire… not to make the reader smarter.

That sounds cynical, I know.

But when you’re going for maximum profits, it’s an approach likely to serve you well.

Having read this far, you’ve figured out why I put “secrets” in quotations.

They’re not unknown concepts. They’re just underutilized.

If your email marketing efforts are coming up short, these 3 ideas could be helpful.

Put them to work!

Free Will vs. Email Marketing (No Contest)

Has anyone ever told you how evil you are?


I mean how evil they THINK you are?

As a marketer, it probably happens more than you think.

(Civilians don’t really understand what we do.)

I remember sitting in church with my family a few years ago… when the preacher — who happened to be my father-in-law — started railing on the vile schemes of marketers.

Free trials, for example.

Marketers know some people won’t cancel before the free trial is over, so why do we “trick” people into spending money that way?

That part of the sermon probably only lasted 2 or 3 minutes… but it seemed much longer.

I know marketing isn’t evil — I dealt with that false belief long ago.

But it was still uncomfortable.

Good thing the preacher didn’t call me out by name.

The church is full of civilians who don’t understand what I do, so I’m pretty sure no one knew he was talking about me.

He probably didn’t even know he was talking about me!

Has anything like that happened to you?

(If you have a good story, please reply to this email and share. I’d love to hear it.)

Let me clear up a few things.

Copywriting and marketing are NOT evil.

You probably already know that or you wouldn’t have signed up to hear from me.

Marketing is leadership… and I know you’re using it to improve people’s lives

Better marketing = more lives transformed for the better.

If you’re selling something that helps people, promoting it aggressively makes the world a better place.

Free will always wins.

We marketers can’t force anyone to act against their own best interests.

We can’t make them do what they don’t want to do.

All we can do is paint a clear picture of a specific outcome our should-be buyer already wants… and make it as easy as possible for him to say “yes”

Jonathan Edwards, an 18th century preacher (which makes him a little older than my father-in-law), wrote that people…

“…always act according to the strongest inclination they have at the moment of choice.

You make the big bucks when you can create moments of choice where the reader’s strongest inclination is to buy your offer.

Email gives you the best opportunity to create moments strong inclination… over and over

I recorded a video describing a few of my best techniques for doing exactly that.

One of the strategies is what I call intense opportunity curiosity…

Which was the real secret behind the $218,337 5-email campaign I told you about last week.

This video training will be exclusively available to Inbox X-Factor members.

No big sales pitch. I still haven’t written the sales page.

But if you’d like to learn more about how I’ve been making MORE money with email instead of less (which so many people are complaining about these days)…

You’ll want to see the video I’m uploading tomorrow.

Plus, you get weekly email plans… winning subject line templates… and more.

$99 a month (no contracts) is a small investment to help you make your email list significantly more profitable — and to spend less time doing it.

Just one of the ways I’m striving to make the world a better place. 

This Weird Halloween Ritual Made Me Famous

Every Halloween, my family freaks out trick-or-treaters with an unusual ritual.

Some people think we’re crazy.

Others love to play along.

Either way, it’s a tradition that’s made us semi-famous in each neighborhood we’ve lived in over the years.

(Actually, it goes back further. My wife’s been doing this since she was a child.)

On the morning of October 31st, we start putting up Christmas decorations.

As you can imagine, kiddies in their costumes are confused and delighted.

Teenagers and parents snap pics and stop for conversations.

We love it.

But we do get some pushback, though. A good percentage of people tell us…

“It’s too early to start thinking about Christmas.”

Which brings us to today’s marketing lesson.

How early is too early to ask for the sale?

This is a question that comes up a lot when I speak with entrepreneurs and budding marketers.

The answer is… probably sooner than you think.

So often, we’re conditioned to believe you have to get someone to “know, like and trust” you before you’ve earned the right to ask for the sale.

Or we’ve been told that we have to GIVE before we ASK.

Something about jabbing… jabbing… and more jabbing before anything else.

There is some truth to those concepts.

But people don’t buy just because they know, like, or trust you. Otherwise most of us would give all our money to our mothers.

No, people buy what they desire.

If you’re selling a product or service that:

  • relieves their fears and frustrations…
  • solves their pains and problems…
  • helps them reach their dreams and desires…

You don’t have to wait long to give them an opportunity to buy.

It can happen in the first email in a welcome sequence.

It can happen directly in a Facebook ad.

Don’t be fooled.

When you make the right offer to the right person, the right time is probably now.

Keep this in mind…

The classic AIDA formula still applies.

You have to get attention and interest before you can direct desire toward your offer. (That can happen faster than you may think, too.)

In the same way that you can start decorating for Christmas much earlier than many people think… You can start selling before you’re done throwing Gary Vee-style jabs.

After you’ve grabbed your should-be buyer’s attention and started generating interest in what you’re talking about, it’s safe to start moving toward the sale.

Let’s get it!

P.S. I just recorded a video diving deeper into this in the Inbox X-Factor membership.

I honestly believe it’s one of the most valuable trainings I can share right now. 

If you’re aggressively growing your email list, these insights could be worth millions of dollars for you.

You can check it out inside Inbox X-Factor.

Need Help Sending More Emails (and Making More Sales)?

Financial copywriter and email marketer Donnie Bryant

I’ve had more conversations than I can count with entrepreneurs and marketers who struggle to email their lists as often as they know they should.

Many of them really aren’t sure how to make money with email.

As a result of those conversations, I launched Inbox X-Factor earlier this week.

Inbox X-Factor is designed to

  1. make it as easy as possible for you to send more emails to your list (and spend less time doing it), and…
  2. showcase effective tactics and strategies that are working RIGHT NOW to help you make more money from each email.

In short, Inbox X-Factor gives you access to:

  • Live email clinics, where we’ll write an email from scratch on video. Watching the process can help you find your own rhythm and gain confidence
  • Timely email ideas and inspiration, so you never run out of reasons to email your list
  • Unique subject line templates and examples
  • In-depth training to help you unlock the money-making power of email. Studies show email produces 40X ROI. These lessons will help you get there.

For THIS WEEK ONLY, you can become one of first members of Inbox X-Factor for $47/month.

On Friday night (July 10), the price goes up to $97/month.

If you have a list and an offer (or clients who have them)…I believe Inbox X-Factor can help you making MORE money with email in LESS time — starting as soon as today. If you’re interested, click the link in the first comment.

>>> Click here to lock the discounted price of $47/month for Inbox X-Factor.

The Evils of “Salesmanship in Print”

“Salesmanship in print” is an outdated description of copywriting.

And not because everything is digital now…

If you saw my interview on John Forde’s Copywriter’s Roundtable, you know where I’m going with this.

I decreed that copywriting needs a new definition for this new decade.

Think about it…

Why do we constantly have to justify our use of the word “salespeople?”

Because the word conjures images of the sleazy guy hawking barely-functional cars off the New Jersey turnpike…

Or the fast-talking pitchman pressuring Grandma Sarah to buy penny stocks with her Social Security check.

Those negative associations can be tough to overcome.

The other risk is that a copywriter-in-training may assume those are characteristics to aspire to.

High pressure.


Exploiting grandmothers.

Which is the opposite of how a copywriter (or any other human being) should act.

When we stop saying “salesmanship in print,” we can avoid some of that blowback.


How should we define copywriting today?

Showmanship in print.”

Showmanship adds storytelling, demonstration and drama to the mix.

You know, stuff that people enjoy.

Moving forward, showmanship will be more and more essential for grabbing attention, building interest, inflaming desire and producing action.

I’ll this cover this topic in future newsletters, so stay tuned.

But you may want to go deeper, sooner.

Today I’m opening Inbox X-Factor, which is designed to

  1. make it as easy as possible to send more emails to your list (and spend less time doing it), and
  2. showcase effective tactics and strategies that are working RIGHT NOW to help you make more money from each email.

I’ve had more conversations than I can count with entrepreneurs and marketers who struggle to email their lists as often as they know they should.

Many really aren’t sure how to make money with email.

In short, Inbox X-Factor gives you access to:

  • Timely email ideas and inspiration, so you never run out of reasons to email your list
  • Unique subject line templates and examples
  • In-depth training to help you unlock the money-making power of email. Studies show email produces 40X ROI. These lessons will help you get there.

And more.

For this week only, you can become one of first members of Inbox X-Factor for $47/month.

On Sunday July 5, the price goes up to $97/month.

If you have a list and an offer (or clients who have them)…

I believe Inbox X-Factor can help you making MORE money with email in LESS time — starting today.

Have a productive day,

Did You Try Balancing Your Broom on Monday?

If you’re anything like me, you were utterly fascinated by the broom-balancing boondoggle that swept the internet earlier this week.

(Forgive the pun.)

You probably saw pictures and videos from astonished people who wanted to test out the claim that the earth was tilted “perfectly” on February 10th.

If you hadn’t heard about this, do a quick search and you’ll find a ton of posts and articles. Apparently the hashtag #broomstickchallenge even trended.

Only problem is, the whole thing was a hoax (which you’ll also see tons of posts and articles about).

#broomstickchallenge persuasion

Did your B.S. meter pick up on the hoax or did you know better because of the depth of your scientific knowledge?

I’ll admit, I was only 90% sure the whole thing was Oscar Meyer-level bologna.

So… let’s turn this into a teachable moment. Because anytime something gets this kind of viral attention (and action), there are lessons you can learn.

I see 3 major persuasion principles at play. Let’s discuss.

When “Proof” Arm Wrestles Common Sense

One of the factors that powered the broomstick ballyhoo was the claim that NASA made the announcement.

As you know, our brains instinctively defer to authority figures… at least when it comes to topics we aren’t experts in.

NASA is a pretty reputable authority. And most of us aren’t experts on the earth’s rotational tilt or the effect it has on gravitation.

Interestingly, it would have been incredibly easy to find out if NASA was behind this announcement. And I think most people knew they could verify the story. That’s what made it so easy for them to trust without looking any deeper.

Secondarily, social proof — once it picked up steam — may have been even more convincing than the NASA angle.

Because of a cognitive bias called the “availability cascade,” we have the natural tendency to believe almost anything we’ve seen or heard enough times.

It’s hard to go against the crowd… and it’s less work to trust what everyone else is saying.

So the lessons are that:

  1. It pays to become known as an authority or expert in an area other people are not.
  2. Leverage social proof whenever you can — and when there’s visible, growing support for/acceptance of a proposition, see if there’s a way to use that momentum to gain traction for your own idea/offer.

Seeing is Believing… When You’re Told What You’re Looking At

Think about this…

The #broomstickchallenge starts with the little-known and unlikely-seeming fact that brooms can stand upright.

The argument goes like this: “Hey today’s the only day in this decade that the earth is perfectly tilted. Lemme prove it. Go grab your broom.”

So the hoax tells you how to “prove” the claim for yourself… by pointing you to THE ONE THING that seems to prove it. (I guess you could have used an egg, too. But there’s more work involved.)

This is similar to the way magicians direct your attention toward a specific object or action so you don’t notice the mechanics that make the trick work.

You must point to the broom specifically or the argument falls apart.

If the earth is perfectly tilted, shouldn’t you be able to make a sharpened pencil stand upright on its tip, too?

There’s a lesson here, too. You can “educate” your potential buyers to and almost define their buying criteria for them.

Point them to something that you know they’ll see. When they see it, they’re more likely to believe everything else you said… and do what you recommended they do. Just like a magic trick. (More on that concept here.)

Or, simply show your should-be buyer what you want him to see. Demonstration can be very convincing.

Take It Easy, Man

The perfect tilt of the earth, if it were true, could have been demonstrated in any number of ways. But the craze wouldn’t have caught on if “proving” it wasn’t a low-risk, easy thing to do.

The #HandstandOnTheRoofChallenge probably never would have gone viral.

When you’re selling a product, service or idea, you must be mindful of risk and perceived risk.

That’s just as much about your offer as it is about the copy.

In your copy, assure him of his high probability of success. Give him simple information he can use to justify his purchase to anyone who may ask him about it. Remind him this product was designed specifically for people like him — and the people who buy it are the admired by peers, live longer, etc.

(As long as those things are true.)

Your offer can reduce risk by including a strong guarantee. Make it easy to cancel or request a refund.

Balancing a broom is easy and no one gets hurt doing it.

Try to make it that easy to buy from you.

P.S. Did you know that versions of the #broomstickchallenge have been around since at least 1975?

There’s another lesson: when you find something that works, double down on it.

The marketing method that works better than any other in ROI terms — one that you should definitely double down on — is email. The Make Email Great Again summit officially goes live on Monday, February 17th.

If you haven’t done it already, I encourage you to sign up here to learn secrets and strategies from some of the world’s best email marketers (myself included).

The 1-Shot, $100k Email

Are you headed for another “deja vu December?”

That’s what I asked the entrepreneurs on my friend’s list.

This friend — his name is Mike — was a sales rep for well-known marketing guru. He needed a boost in sales for the month and, ironically, he called me to see if I could help.

(This happens more than you might think. People selling marketing info aren’t always great marketers.)

Mike had written an e-mail to send to his segment of the guru’s list. He wanted me to look it over before he sent it. He needed it to be strong.

But his copy was flat. Emotionless. It relied on a discount to do the selling for him. I couldn’t let him send out that email.

I had a little time on my hands, so I rewrote it myself.

My copy was more aggressive, which made him nervous.

But he needed sales to meet his quota for the month, so I convinced him to set up the email and hit the Send button.

I’ll let Mike tell you the rest of the story:

Mike's six-figure email

“The responses poured in, both good and bad. Initially, the recipients were offended the email ‘called them out.’ I never heard more, ‘How Dare You…’ and ‘take me off your list.’ But to my surprise, it awoke the giant whales lurking in my database. The email cut to the core of the buyer’s heart, and that’s what counts.

“The results: Just over $100,000 in under a week and I got credit for breaking a sales record. Thanks Donnie!”

I can’t remember exactly what I wrote. But I remember “deja vu December” — that feeling of finishing out another year in the same place as last year…

Of having to make the same New Year’s resolutions because you weren’t able to reach your goals…

We’ve all felt it. We all hate it. Leveraging that feeling turned into a BIG payday for Mike.  

So here are 3 takeaways from Mike’s story:

1) Emotions sell, both positive and negative. Many of us are reluctant to “go dark,” but it’s hard to argue with record-breaking sales.

It’s not about being negative; it’s about being honest. The truth is, people have problems. The good news is, your product or service can help.

2) Strong copy might offend some people… and it will win over the hearts and minds of others at the same time. In my experience, the net result is MORE SALES.

3) When you need more sales, it makes sense to call an expert.

If you’re in Mike’s situation and you NEED more sales in your business…

If you KNOW your marketing should be bringing in more cash than it is…

Or if your sales are good but you want them looking even better…

I want to help you personally.

I’ve never done anything like this before. But after several conversations with entrepreneurs this month, I’m convinced it’s needed.

Here’s the deal: I’m offering a 6-week group coaching program.

We’ll cover getting emails opened, setting up powerful email sequences and sales pages, FB ads and more.

On top of the weekly coaching sessions…

You’ll get a FULL AUDIT of your current Black Friday/Cyber Monday promotion — or another promotion of your choice.

Plus templates and resources.

Normally, I’d spend weeks preparing, but we’re moving fast on this one. In fact, I didn’t have time to write a sales page yet!

Coaching begins on Wednesday November 13.  

The investment is $995 — less than what I’d charge to write two emails for a client.

(I wanted this to be a no-brainer.)

Only 20 people will be accepted.

Obviously, I can’t guarantee you’ll make $100,000 like Mike did. I can’t guarantee you won’t make a million.

(It wouldn’t be the first time…)

But if your sales don’t increase by at least 10X your investment in coaching, I’ll give you your money back or work with you until we hit that number.

Interested? Apply here.