Free Training for Financial Professionals:
Attract & Enroll More Dream Clients Faster with the I.N.V.S.T. Method

    "Amazing teaching on how to show up in news ways to make sure your clients connect with you." ~ Cameo Roberson

    "Helped me affirm my voice as a writer but also helped me connect with my audience better so that I can make money while impacting lives." ~ Mawuli Vodi

    "Donnie is the email copy KING!" ~ Camari Ellis

    In the I.N.V.S.T. Method training, you’ll discover:

    • 5 principles that give you a new level of control over your prospecting – learned from producing $140M+ in revenue
    • A costly website mistake that virtually guarantees ideal clients will slip through your fingers
    • What really happens when you try to copy the biggest email newsletters (even in your specific niche)
    • The perfect welcome sequence. It positions your firm as the dream solution for a specific outcome… accelerates your know-like-trust status… and maximizes attention and engagement with from Day 1
    • When educating your prospects is a terrible idea (Hint: you’ve almost certainly been doing this. A lot)
    • A simple mindset shift that unleashes the full potential of your marketing machine

    And a lot more.

    Cell phone with "INVST Method" written on it

    Each of the 5 steps in the I.N.V.S.T. Method can make a tremendous difference in your prospecting efforts. Best of all, you can start putting them into practice today.

    Enter your best email address below to access the video training now.